Thank You!  

In about 10 minutes you will receive a confirmation email and instructions to download your free video. In the meanwhile...

Just give me 3 minutes and I will show you a technique which will make stress and fatigue a thing of the past. You will never again "collapse" in front of your computer!

This is a super easy method that will enable you to beat office related stress symptoms in less than 15 min... Guaranteed.

How would it feel

  • Pain in your shoulders
  • Tension in your neck
  • Eye strain
  • RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
  • Back pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Short-sightedness
  • Poor Circulation
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

would just disappear magically and you can recharge and get back at it? 

But before I can show you what it is let me tell you a little truth.

Actually, I'm not writing on my own behalf. I'm writing on behalf of "Group 4".

Sounds odd, doesn't it? 

Let me explain quickly. Group 4 consists of  Megan, Tony, Lock, Yogacharya, Mark, Sheigar and myself Steffen who have come together from all corners of the world.

We are all enthusiastic attendees of the Internet Marketing Conference "The Assassination" in Chiang Mai, Thailand (which runs from 8th of March to 12th of March 2010.)

So, now we've lost it completely, you might think, but please bear with us. It will make perfect sense in a moment.

Attending this event we all were given a tedious task to create and launch a product online within 4 days.

On the first day we all got assigned to different groups (5 in all) by random selection and we ended up in, you've guessed it, Group 4.

                             We all felt the same fatigue and stress
                      after sitting long hours in front of the computer

Well, sitting in our first Group 4 meeting getting to know each other revealed pretty quickly that we all had nothing in common (which isn't a bad thing!), except for that we all felt the same fatigue and stress caused by sitting in front of a laptop for a long time throughout the day while concentrating on talks from speakers.

There we were intensively brainstorming and contemplating about options and ideas on the seemingly incredible task to create a product and market it online within that short time frame (for some of us the stress levels rise by the sheer thought of the deadline we have to meet).

We had to start something fast but we all agreed it needed to be something beneficial and something of value for people who operate in an office environment and sit in front of a computer a lot.

That Something would be able to beat computer related stress before it would beat you.

It would empower you to concentrate faster and more easily.

So what would the solution to our own pain and the pain of millions of other busy computer users be?

Fortunately, Yogacharya is part of Group 4.

Turns out he is an absolute expert in Yoga and stress relieve methods.

Actually he even has several courses out there already.

                                         It was easy and so much fun

Yogacharya took us out on a group exercise which was super easy to follow and so much fun!

And the best part of it was that the Yoga techniques he demonstrated worked immediately on all of us. We all simultaneously felt and experienced the relief of tension and stress.

It was exhilarating and gave a great sense of satisfaction for all of us. We felt energized and refreshed again.

Customer Testimonial

When I'm tense, even a little, it's my neck that hurts. 5 minutes into this simple stress relief session, my pain was gone.

Amy Kay Guenther 
Michigan, USA

Customer Testimonial

The beat office stress exercises were easy to follow. They can be done anywhere and were a great stress relief.

They allowed me to regain focus on my job and the best part is I felt really good afterwards.

Sheigar N K 

Customer Testimonial

Yogacharya's undoubtedly expertise as a professional Yoga teacher showed that he knows some real powerful and effective techniques to release office related stress fast.

I was enthused by the easy to do exercise that turned into an immediate result just after a couple of minutes.

My tense shoulders, neck and back pain were wiped out and I felt refreshed and focused again.

Steffen Latta 
Auckland, New Zealand

Customer Testimonial

Thank you for the time and effort you spent in compiling this information on the exercises for stress relief at workplace. .

I also have high blood pressure and would like to seek other remedies in order to alleviate the need to take medication.

The few minutes that we closed our eyes and just carry out the simple, yet effective techniques helped me feel rejuvenate for the rest of the afternoon. Until today, I didn’t realize how important it was just to take time out for myself and regroup. We are all so busy in our everyday lives and I admit I am guilty of sitting at my desk with the same posture at work. But those days are over, I will incorporate these times to relax my body and my mind  for myself since it will be beneficial to me and my well being.

Lock Chee Hoong
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Customer Testimonial

After working at a computer all day, and most nights i find that i get eye strain, and a sore lower back.

I also find that i lose conncentration and go through mood swings.

After i took part in the beat office stress program i felt alot better, i no longer had tension in my lower back, and i felt fantastic, i felt more awake and i was able to spend more productive time working, and spending time with people with out bitting their heads off.

I recommend this product to others as it only took 15minutes before i felt great again.

Megan Singleton 
Brisbane, Australia


Customer Testimonial

For the past 3 months I'd had a nagging pain in my neck.

Now this was due to the fact that I work out in the gym on a regular basis. During my last session (2 days ago) I pulled a muscle in my neck.

It was so distracting that I was unable to bend over my PC in order to work on a comfortable level.

However, thanks to the Beat Office Stress Program my neck stiffness disappeared within hours and now I'm able to work in complete comfort.

David Jasmine 
Hertfordshire, England, UK

We realized,
we now had a very powerful product that would easily sell for US$49.99.


Due to our hard work and fullest effort to make this product happen within 3 days, people like you are now able to experience the same stress killing results we've had and are still experiencing.

                                          >Beat Office Stress< was born

A concise eBook and 45 minute high quality video are enough to eliminate your stress and leave you feeling completely revitalized.

Now, there is something we haven't mentioned yet.

The proceeds from this will not be pocketed! Instead, every cent is going to a non-profit charity.

If you act now and be quick we will give you a $40.00 discount as this offer expires within the next 24 hours as the event will conclude and Group 4 will part soon after.

So you will get the eBook and downloadable stress relief video for only US $9.97 with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If after 30 days you are not completely satisfied for any reason at all, simply say so for a full, courteous, no questions asked refund.

Only US $9.97, my money is wisely used for charity and if I'm not satisfied I get my money back.

It's a No-Brainer!

PS: We all confirm that the exercises in the video are responsible for lightening our mood and increasing energy levels.
P.P.S: We are however not responsible for you not taking action and avoiding a powerful solution to feel happy if you miss out on this one time offer.
P.P.P.S: Really, is it worth to keep on living with computer related stress and work less productive all the time?