Just Like I Promised ...
One more chance for you to get the great 50% Off Deal!

Now that you've had a chance to try the first 3 Lessons of The Yoga Tutor, you can see that this really is a one of a kind, quality online yoga training program.


Compared to what else is available out there, and how much it costs to go to just one yoga class, it makes the regular price seem like a pittance, doesn't it?


Even so, I still wanted to give you another chance to get the full 21 Lesson program at 50% Off ... just like I promised.


That's it! No more Sales pitches  ... and no more telling you what you already know!



Lock in Your 50% Savings Today ...


Don't forget that you can cancel at any time with our "Try First, Pay Later" 100% Risk Free format.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee:


Get a new yoga lesson every week and only pay for it after you've had a chance to try it out. 

If you're not 100% satisfied,
you can cancel any time

Today Only ...
Get 6 lessons Free for 21-days!

(then save over 50% on every lesson)



Remember: If you’re not completely satisfied with the value and quality of yoga instruction you get

from The Yoga Tutor, then you can
cancel anytime

Don't Miss Your Only Chance. "Lock In" over 50% Off the regular price ...

Get 6 Yoga Lessons Now
Pay nothing for 21 days
& Cancel at any time ...

100% Risk Free
You've Got Nothing to Lose!

Payment Information:
After "Securing Your Copy", you'll get access to the first 6 Lessons of The Yoga Tutor, FREE for 21-days. As long as you do not cancel your membership, you will continue to receive one new lesson every week for the next 15 weeks. For convenience, you will be billed for 3 lessons at a time ($14.91 each time) at the end of every three week period (Note: the first 3 lessons are free. Providing you do not cancel your membership, you will be billed in 6 instalments for the remaining 18 lessons) 

Don't Worry,

If you prefer to miss out on this offer and just stick with your 3 Free Lessons for now, you can always upgrade in the future at the regular full price.



Pay Per Lesson


Regular Price:


Special Price Today:
$4.97 /lesson


( First 6 Lessons FREE for 21-days! )


One-Time Payment


Regular Price:


Special Price Today:


( First 6 Lessons FREE for 21-days! )

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