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Krishna Avanti School

Imagine your child being educated through passages from the Bhagavad Gita. Imagine that the curriculum at their school includes harmonium and mridagam lessons, the instruments of Indian classical music …

For Britain’s 1.5 million Hindus, that dream has become a reality with the recent opening of the first state-sponsored Hindu school in London. Krishna Avanti School promises to merge the government approved school curriculum with the religious and cultural values of Hinduism.

Of the motivations behind this project, head teacher Nania Parmar said,

“We aim to create an effective, calm and happy learning environment where the vision and mission statements are ‘lived’ by combining the wisdom of vedic teachings and exemplary professional practice.”

With 23 pupils entering the first batch, the school plans to gradually increase enrolment to 236 students by the year 2014.

Though similar schools for other faiths already exist in Britain, this is the first time that a Hindu school funded by the British government has been established. The Krishna Avanati School is welcome initiative that provides expatriate families with a supportive vehicle for the teaching of Indian Heritage and the transmission of its spiritual and yogic ideals to their children who are growing up in a land so far removed from their own cultural roots.

About the Author:

Yogacharya is the director of International Yogalayam, and Editor of The Yoga News

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