Healthy Breathing
The Yoga Tutor

The Importance of the Breath

[ Excerpt from The Science of Yoga, page 38 ]

How long can you go without taking a breath? Go ahead, give it a try. I’ll wait right here! That's right, not more than a mere handful of seconds for most of us and then we're finished!

Of course, clean, healthy food and pure water are also necessities of life, but we can still go on a while without them. The breath really is the chief sustainer of life itself. Knowing this, does our ability to breathe adequately not seem an important part of health?

If we breathe into only 25% of our capacity, with each breath we take, which most of us unfortunately do, then we are breathing in only a quarter the potential life-giving, life-sustaining, vital energy each and every moment!

If we want to be truly healthy, energetically infused beings, then that simply will not do!

Breathing, as well as being the vehicle for delivery of the vital, life-giving energy to our being, is the flywheel of our biological mechanism. It regulates, controls and affects many of our body functions.

Therefore, when we breathe properly and fully, we have the opportunity to manipulate these functions (i.e., control body temperature, heart rate, etc.), and hence, greatly affect our state of health on many levels.


NOTE: This yoga article is an excerpt from The Science of Yoga, an online yoga training program with streaming yoga videos and 600 pages of step-by-step yoga instruction.

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