The Yoga Tutor

Seven Chakras - Part 2

[ Excerpt from The Science of Yoga, page 513 ]


The second centre of force, svadhisthana chakra, has as its physical projection in the area above the genitals.

It represents the sensual consciousness and imagination, and is associated with the sexual energy potential. It gives attuning with the water energies, corresponds to the moon influences and magnetic forces. In the human being it co-ordinates instincts (hunger, thirst, sex, sleep).

This is the place of the 'emotional self'. It represents the first lifting of the (primitive) energies. On a physical level, this centre of force is responsible for desire, imagination, hallucinations, sensuality and need to have a family. It is responsible for assimilation, procreation, the lymphatic system and menstrual secretions, and is associated with the adrenal glands.

It could be noted that this is the dominant chakra for most people (i.e. most are ruled by their emotions, sensual desires and emotional instincts). This can also been seen as the centre of fantasy and imagination. So when we say that one is dominated by svadhisthana chakra, we are saying that they live within a fantasy realm (or lack tangible contact with reality).

Though it is said that this is also the centre of creativity, this is more a group creativity. Like lemmings, those who are ruled by the energies of svadhisthana are likely devoid of originality and rely on the views and acceptance of others. These are the fashion conscious folks, pop musicians and general all-around pop-culturalists, who underneath their surface persona, or facade, are depressed and confused with weak personalities. Disharmony in this chakra produces states of agitation and mental confusion...


Located at the level of the navel (the yogic solar plexus), this third centre of force gives attuning with the fire energies. Manipura chakra corresponds to the influence of the sun and the electrifying power.

In the human being it co-ordinates ambition, ego (individuality), the desire for power, will-power, self-control, intelligence, dynamism, expansion of consciousness, as well as propensity to violence. On a physical level, it co-ordinates the digestive processes (fire energy) and the activity of the organs situated in the abdomen, and is associated with the pancreas.

Psychologically, this person is the opposite of the one dominated by svadhisthana energies. They can be depersonalised, or rather, lack personality, and therefore fake an image to seem interesting. This is your typical macho attitude and egocentric personality. The sheep flock around this person, who is the idol of modern consumer society...


Anahata chakra is the fourth centre of force and is located in the area of the cardiac plexus, in the centre of the chest. It attunes with the energy of air and symbolises the consciousness of love, empathy, selflessness and devotion.

On the psychic level, this centre of force inspires the human being to love, be compassionate, altruistic, devoted and to accept the things that happen in a divine way. Thus, when we speak of love as it pertains to this centre of force, we refer to the 'essence of love' on a Divine level -- not love as passion, lust, romance, desires, sex, etc (which are all rooted in svadhisthana chakra)

Divine love is related to the altruistic state of being -- of forgetting about yourself (selflessness) and of sacrifice. This love allows one to give their life for another and to give it wilfully and joyously...


NOTE: This yoga article is an excerpt from The Science of Yoga, an online yoga training program with streaming yoga videos and 600 pages of step-by-step yoga instruction.

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